School of Excellence Kick Off Party

School Of Excellence Kickoff Party

Wednesday, October 2 (5:30 – 6:30 PM)

Alki Lunchroom

Free Pizza! Kids Welcome!

Please join us in the lunchroom for pizza and refreshments as we celebrate launching into this year’s National PTA School of Excellence program! The program enriches the educational experiences and overall well-being for all children. We will assess our current state via a family and staff survey and receive a personalized roadmap to follow as we collaborate and work together to strengthen our students, families, and school. At a National School of Excellence, families feel welcomed, valued, and empowered to support student success and are confident to advocate for continuous school improvements. The timeline below illustrates our steps in the coming school year.


Join us to learn about different types of family engagement, the 6 National Standards that strengthen family-school partnerships, and how you can be involved in this important work this school year. Alongside Alki’s educators, we will discuss which shared objective Alki would like to focus for the 2019-2020 school year. Your voice is essential; your experience is unique. Please join us at the table as we work to improve our school’s climate and student outcomes.

Big thank you to West Seattle’s MOD Pizza for providing pizza to encourage our families to engage and have your voices heard, and to the Barone family for graciously facilitating MOD Pizza’s donation. If you have any questions or know that you would like to steer this project by sitting on its committee, please contact Mel Spiker at


Take the Survey: Click Here