Alki 5th Grade Graduation Projects

Dear 5th Grade Parents,

Now that the word is officially out that school is closed for the year, I wanted to contact you all to get your help on a couple of graduation projects.  While it’s completely understandable what is happening right now, it’s still hard to accept that it’s during our kids last year at Alki.

Because of this, I have been communicating with the 5th grade staff and Ms. Deese on ways we can still help celebrate and restore just a wee bit of normalcy to the craziness going on.

My 3 ideas right now are:

  1. Dedicate 2-4 pages in the yearbook to the graduating class.
    1. This will include photos, collage, quotes, etc.
    2. You can still order them here if you haven’t yet and have it sent directly to your house.
  2. Still put together the video that would traditionally have been shown at graduation.
    1. Assemble an arrangement of videos of the kids talking, videos, and content from their kindergarten year (if your child was at another school and you have photos/video, please share).
  3. Possible graduation ceremony/party this summer
    1. Nothing is happening with this, until we all feel safe enough to meet again.  Just wanted to throw it out there that there might be an email later in June or July with ways to help if we feel we can swing it.

Since a lot of this requires content that I can’t film or gather myself, I really need your help!

Things I need from you:

  • Photo of your student as a Kindergartner
  • Video of your student with answering the following (videos should be long way, not portrait mode)
    • Best part of Alki
    • Favorite memory at Alki
    • What are they going to miss most in Middle School
    • What they want to be when they grow up or plans for the future
  • Photos and videos of your student and their friends from their time at Alki
    • I’m going to separately gather these from the Kindergarten teachers in 2014/15 (Kegel, Massimino, Delacour, and Kramer).

You can drop things here or email them directly to me

If you want to help at all or have any talents in video production or graphic design, please let me know!

Looking forward to seeing your Photos and Videos!

Angela Powell