Announcing Nominations for 2020/2021 PTA Board

The Alki Elementary PTA Nomination Committee hereby places the following names into nomination:

President:  Mike Uehara-Bingen

Vice Presidents:  Courtney Frank-Teitler,  Shelly Kurtz,  Lee Anne Hughes

Co-Secretaries:  Lisette Terry,  Rob Thomas

Co-Treasurers: Sean Meckley,  Kevin Teitler

The nominating committee has confirmed that all nominees have been a member of a PTA for at least 15 days prior to the election, and meet other requirements as stated in the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws.
Respectfully submitted,

Laetitia Rettori, Courtney Frank-Teitler, and Mike Uehara-Bingen


Individuals are welcome to recommend themselves. For information about a position, or to request PTA job descriptions, please contact the nominating committee by emailing  To be eligible for election to any of the above positions, candidates must have been a member of any PTA in the state of Washington for at least 15 days prior to being elected.

Officer elections will take place during the Wednesday, June 3, 2020 General Membership PTA Zoom Meeting (6:30 PM-7:30 PM).


Thank you to the following volunteers for stepping up to fill the following positions for next year:

Board of Director Positions:

Membership Chair: Owen Reese

Communications Co-Chairs: Ali Pankop, Salleigh Knox

Volunteer Co-Coordinators: Salleigh Knox, Pamela Boyd

Fundraising Chair: Dale Ross

Advocacy Chair: Davina Dilley

Board Members-At-LargeLaetitia Rettori,  Corey Ramey

BLT PTA RepresentativesCourtney Frank-Teitler,  Corey Ramey










Committee Chairs:

Yearbook Chair: Mel Spiker

Musical Committee Co-Chairs:  Amy Cooper,  Sean Meckley

Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Co-ChairsMel Spiker,  Erica Sullivan