Inner Explorer Mindfulness Program – FREE!

Alki’s community sees the social and emotional intelligence of our children as an important piece of their development. We understand their happiness is hinged in their ability to process their emotions to have empathy for others and to be self-motivated. Our Family Engagement Survey asks how Alki PTA can best serve families while in a distance learning model, and 70% picked supporting their child’s social emotional wellbeing and their sense of community during closures. This data has guided the programming for Wellness Wednesday and Family First Friday, and we look forward to future events supporting Alki families. 

With this in mind, we are excited to tell you about Inner Explorer. National PTA has endorsed and recommends Inner Explorer as a valuable family resource to practice resilience and mindfulness in these trying times. Inner Explorer is the only audio-guided mindfulness program and one of the few in the field that is Formatted on the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) protocol. Inner Explorer provides daily mindfulness practice that moves from concrete to more abstract concepts, while building skills of Attention, Self-Awareness, Emotional Regulation and Resilience. They are offering their service free of charge during the pandemic to support families during challenging times. 

Download the Free App (also available on web)

Mel Spiker & Erica Sullivan Family and Community Engagement