Parents, we need you! Join the Alki PTA Board!

The Alki PTA Nominating Committee is on the move seeking next year’s PTA Officers and board members! If you have been thinking about how you can be more involved at Alki we would love to talk to you. There is absolutely NO obligation to commit and all Nominating Committee business remains confidential as we seek candidates for the June 1st election. Nearly all positions are open next year – learn more about board roles and responsibilities and approximate time commitment HERE.

The Nominating Committee appreciates recommendations by our community members of individuals suited to PTA leadership positions. Please fill out this quick RECOMMENDATION FORM for yourself or another community member you think would make a great PTA leader and someone from the Nominating Committee will reach out!

For information about a position, or to request PTA job descriptions please contact or any of this year’s Nominating Committee members (elected at the general membership meeting, April 6th, 2023):

We are excited to build a board of dedicated, diverse and enthusiastic parents who simply want to make Alki the best it can be for our students. We look forward to meeting you!