What is a Resolution?
- A resolution is a way of expressing a commitment.
- It is a means to express the intent of the PTA to address a problem which affects children and requires action.
- A resolution is an original motion.
- Because of its importance, length, or complexity, it is first submitted in writing.
- It is then brought forward on the floor of a general membership meeting.
- A resolution usually consists of two main parts.
- Whereas statements
- The preamble portion of the resolution consisting of statement(s) providing information on the resolution, reasons for the resolution, and why it should be adopted.
- Resolved statements
- The main motion. The resolved statements constitute the request for action and express the opinion or will of the group.
- Whereas statements
Alki PTA Adopted Resolutions:
(More will be added from previous years as we digitize files)
- Paramount Duty Resolution, adopted February 11, 2016
- Gun Violence Resolution Adopted October 3, 2018
- Anti-Racism Resolution, adopted June5, 2020
- Washington State PTA Resolutions, complete list HERE.
Washington State PTA Resolutions are issue positions adopted by membership. They are vetted by the Resolutions Committee and the Washington State PTA Board of Directors, and then voted on by delegates at either the WSPTA Legislative Assembly or the WSPTA Convention. Resolutions are reviewed annually; they may be combined, amended or recommended for retirement.
- National PTA Resolutions, complete list HERE.
Advocacy is the Heart of PTA
Since its inception in 1897, PTA has been a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education. Washington State PTA began in 1905 and was instrumental in many issues, from creating preschool to promoting seat belts. Today, Alki Elementary PTA and its members continue the work of those that came before us, centering our advocacy around equity so that all kids can meet their potential.